Start preparing for the next market downturn. Now!

It is in times of security that the spirit should be preparing itself for difficult times; while fortune is bestowing favors on it is then is the time for it to be strengthened against her rebuffs. – Seneca Finance is booming. The ASX is up over 10% from the...

Rent or Buy for FIRE? Why not try House Hacking!

Some time ago I got into a chat with one of my favourite FIRE bloggers, Dave from Strong Money Australia, about housing costs. After seeing my post on how to effectively track your spending for FIRE, Dave had twigged that I’m currently spending nothing on housing costs. He asked...

How to Build an Ethical Investment Portfolio for FIRE

One of the trickiest and most important steps in the pursuit of fire is working out how to invest. Once you’ve determined your FIRE goal, it’s time to actually work out how to get there. Should you invest in ETFs* or LICs**? What mix of Australian vs. International shares...